Exclusive Premium Flavours Range

Premium Flavours are a culinary work of art. We make them exclusively with next generation flavour r...
Premium Flavours are a culinary work of art. We make them exclusively with next generation flavour recipes to give you a multi-dimensional flavour experience. Put simply, they taste amazing. Then we add something a little extra to truly make each premium flavour like no other shake on the planet. This may be real fruit powders or real treat inclusions - check out our full range below for more information. One day all shakes will be made this way, but for now, get ahead of the curve and try our exclusive range of Premium Flavours today.
  1. Fitness Sportivoclose
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  • Proteine Whey 360 Extreme

    "Ho avuto l'opportunità di provare le 360 Extreme, le ho trovate molto efficaci come pos...Daniele

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  • Barretta Proteica Vegana Ridiculous

    "“Questa è incredibile! Adoro le confezioni, quando sono arrivate è stata una vera sorpesa: finalmente una barretta vegana BUONA! Un sacco di proteine, gusto pazzesco - e soprattutto VEGAN!” - Fabio "

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